Xumm.on(event, fn)

Events fired by the SDK per environment. For the order of events, see the section per environment after the table with events.

Event order

The following order of events can be expected per environment.

Note about the ready vs the success event: The ready event fires if the SDK state is ready for the rendering of your application. This does not have to mean the SDK is signed in: it just means the SDK is ready. If you want to know a user

xApp (always auto-signed in)

  1. retrieved - xApps always auto-resolve

  2. success- all information is populated to SDK properties (Promises)

  3. ready - ready to render your application with the correct Xumm SDK state

Web3 (browser) - Signed out & then signing in

  1. retrieving - but the user is signed out

  2. ready - ready to render your application with the correct Xumm SDK state, but the user must still log in

  3. The user signs in

  4. success - all information is populated to SDK properties (Promises)

Web3 (browser) - Already signed in

  1. retrieving - existing session information is being fetched & verified

  2. success - all information is populated to SDK properties (Promises)

  3. retrieved - you are dealing with an already signed in user

  4. ready - ready to render your application with the correct Xumm SDK state

Last updated